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Timesheet - History & Withdrawal

Submission History

  • Click [Submission] icon buttonlink on the left menu to begin

  • You will be directed to submission history page. In this page, you can view all your submitted time sheets.

  • Select a location/project to view the all submitted time sheets

  • Click [View] if you wish to see the details of the time sheet. Details as shown below

  • If you are required to make amendment to the submitted time sheet, you may withdraw your submitted time sheet if it has not been fully approved. Approving officers will be notified via email of your withdrawal action. Submit your time sheet again after you have edited your time sheet.

To Withdraw a Time Sheet:

Step 1: Click on the [Withdraw] link on the selected record. You may only withdraw a time sheet if the time sheet has not been fully approved.

Step 2: Click on the [Yes] to confirm withdrawal of submission when prompted. Approving officers will be notified via email of your withdrawal

Sample email:-