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Timesheet - Attendance


Image 1
Image 2

    Step 1: Click [KNOCKKNOCK] icon button on the dashboard page (Image 1) to begin

    Step 2: Alternatively, you can click on [Attendance] on the left menu (Image 2) to access the clock in/out function.

    Step 3: You will be directed to the following page.

    Note: GPS & camera functions may be required.

a. Allow camera access if you are prompted as shown below:


b. Allow location access for your browser if you are prompted as shown below:


To Clock In:

Note: Clicking [Time In] takes your photo

    Step 1:Check that the location is correct before you clock in. Otherwise, select the desired location.

    Step 2: Click [Time In] to confirm your attendance.

    Step 3: Enter remarks if necessary. E.g. Reason for lateness, reason for meetings outside office, etc.

    Step 4:Attach image(s) for the attendance if required. Click [Browse] to find the documents to attach. You may select multiple files. The total max file size is 10MB. Max no. of files is 3.

To Clock Out:

Note: Clicking [Time Out] takes your photo

  • Select the correct location to clock out.
  • Click [Time Out] to confirm your attendance.

iPhone: Use safari only.

Android: Use chrome. Other browsers are not compatible.